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Big Futures

Big Futures

Big Futures cover image

Through four main programs (mentor2.0, High School Bigs, Beyond School Walls, and Post-Secondary Success), BIG FUTURES helps high school students broaden their horizon and develop a plan for their future after graduation. In 2023, Big Brothers Big Sisters took a bold leap forward in its BIG FUTURES programming. As we plan for 2024, BBBS is seeking an additional $100,000 in funding to meet current demand for BIG FUTURES programming and plan boldly for next year. Click here to donate.

Growth Demands Capacity

BIG FUTURES grew at a greater rate than anticipated. In 2023, BBBS:

  • Identified 2 new Beyond School Walls programs for 2024
  • Launched 2 new High School Bigs programs
  • Enrolled its largest mentor2.0 class (150 students compared to 90 in 2022)
  • Increased the number of internships and capacity building opportunities for students
  • Began exploring career readiness programming for mentees

Program Impact

Big Brothers Big Sisters ignites the potential of youth through the power of 1:1 mentoring. The impact of BBBS programming is best captured in the formula:

Emotional Wellbeing+Social Capital=Educational Achievement

By empowering youth through the development of all three pillars (emotional wellbeing, social capital, and educational achievement), BBBS can provide high school students with the best possible chance for their success after graduation. Through BIG FUTURES...

See Big Futures in Action at KRCL


Our Students at KPMG

This summer, four high school Littles from BBBS had the opportunity to participate in an enriching 3-week paid internship. The experience exposed them to career opportunities in public accounting and other professional services as they began their academic and career journey. As part of the experience, interns interacted with KPMG mentors, built career insights, and immersed themselves in the company culture.

Here are a few words from our students:

"The KPMG Empower internship experience has given me an inside look into not only the public accounting industry, but also a look into KPMG's unique approach to it. The internship has left me with invaluable communication and presentation skills." -- Cameron

"My time as an intern at KPMG was a transformative journey of learning, growth, and professional development. It's where I discovered the intersection of audit, tax, and advisory. I couldn't have asked for a better team to guide and teach me." -- Jada

"My time at KPMG was a game-changing experience that opened me up to the world of accounting. It allowed me to understand that accounting is more than just numbers, but also about the people. The environment at KPMG is one of the most empowering sentiments that I have ever felt. It's an experience like no other." -- Anders

"I am so grateful to be a part of the mentor2.0 program. It has opened so many doors that I wouldn't otherwise have been able to walk through. They provided me with the opportunity to be a part of the inaugural KPMG Empower intern class. I had the chance to learn the importance of networking, active listening, and communication skills. I will forever hold this experience near and dear to my heart." -- Yesenia

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